Archive for Chris

August Series

bullyflyerDon’t miss our August series – “Bullies, Taking Down Goliath” – and learn how Jesus said we should take care of the bullies in our lives.


VBS Help

Attention all youth,

Your help with Vacation Bible School will be greatly appreciated. We need help with setup after 2nd service this Sunday (21st) and all day Monday (22nd). Then we could use any help you can provide during the week from 6:30pm-8:30pm on Monday – Friday (22nd-26th).

Youth Lock-in

lockin-aug2013Don’t forget, August 2nd is our second ever LWA 1youth lock-in. Don’t miss a whole night of fun and games. The fun starts right after the movie and goes until 8:00am Saturday morning!

Cost is just $5 per person, but if you help out at our concessions table (6pm setup) we will pay for you. Also, if you bring a friend, we’ll pay for both of you!

Rules and parent permission forms will be available at the LWA info counter and in the youth room.