Choose Him

God has called you. He has chosen you. He calls you to a deeper relationship with Him! Why? Well number 1: because you’re awesome and He loves you and wants to spend time with you, number 2: because He wants you to know Him, and experience all the greatness that comes from that relationship.
1Peter 2:9

The world can become so strong around you, it’s easy to forget about the One who made you.

The hard part is that life is hard. There are good times and bad times. God knows exactly how to get you through those bad times, to make them good. He knows how to take those good times and make them great!
Romans 8:28

He can’t do any of that until we ask Him. He gives us free will so that we can choose Him.
Isaish 55:3

Once we choose Him, it opens this entire new world of opportunities. There’s so much we can learn, so much we experience, and He’ll walk you through it!
Proverbs 8:17

When we decide to choose Him, it’s simple. We pray. It doesn’t have to look any certain way. You’re just asking Him to be your God, your Father. Asking Him to come into your heart and be in relationship with you!
Matthew 6:9-13


After you pray He’ll walk you through the rest. He’s the best teacher!

Choose Him!

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