
One of the biggest things I’ve heard people ask, is if God is all powerful how come I’m still in pain? Or how come simple things can seem like a fight? If God can do anything how come I’m still hurting? When stuff happens, why does it seem as if I’m fighting all on my own? Well here’s the thing…

Here’s what I found….

I found the process and difficulty is never a result of God’s power. The process is because of our flesh, our habits, our fight for control. God’s power is instant.

Think of the beginning, Genesis 1:3, “Let there be light”, and there was light. God’s power created immediate results.

God chose to give us free will, He wants us to choose His plan, His way, to choose Him. We have the power to choose what we believe and what we think.

I like to think of it as when we face troubles or problems, our thoughts are like wires… sometimes they get jumbled and tangled in our heads. Until we learn how to connect those wires with God’s truth all we are left with is more tangles… we are trying to figure it out and handle it on our own.

Once we learn how to connect them to God’s truth, God’s word… it’s an instant connection… Instant and total power is resulted from the right mindset.

That’s why the devil tries so hard to get your focus off God, and rather have you focus on how you are feeling or the situation… or whatever he uses, his plan is to get those wires more and more tangled.

The more he can get you to believe those lies, and to get your focus off God’s truth… the more bound you become. He knows the power of God, that’s why he fights so hard to keep you from knowing the same.

God’s power is instant, and he freely gives us the same power. The problem is not the power within the wires… it’s the connection.

When we get ahold of this, things as simple as when we are feeling sluggish… we can remember the Joy of the Lord is my strength… wires connect, and boom we feel energy.

Or something bigger like when something goes wrong. Instead of feeling the fear, the anger, the pain… wires connect and boom we feel love, peace and joy!

You can read the bible and know scriptures, but if you don’t believe them as truth, they are just another random wire… instead the truth that brings the connection to God and His mighty power and freedom.


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