Where to Start?

Sometimes in life it can be hard to know where to start. You just got a huge assignment from your teacher at school and you stare at the blank document on your computer… Your parents tell you you’re moving to Canada and now you ask yourself how do I start from scratch. There’s a pile of dirty dishes stacked in the sink and on the counter next to you, your mother tells you to clean it up what do you do first?
Overwhelmed, mad and lost… what happens now?

Okay so that’s a lot of examples. But the truth of the matter is, whenever you are faced with something difficult how do you know where to start? How do you react?

I know a lot of times in my life I’ve gotten frustrated and discouraged. Ugh why do I have to clean all the dishes, I’m not the only one that dirtied them. I won’t have time to do what I want tonight. There’s no way that this isn’t going to take forever…

Good news is we don’t have to do it alone. God is there with us in the small things and big. We don’t have to rely on our own knowledge of how to do something, our own strength to finish, or our own joy as we keep going.

James 1:5 (NASB)
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.
Nehemiah 8:10 NASB
…Do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.

Remember you aren’t left behind, God is with you.
When you are faced with anything big or small before you move remind yourself to do it with God. Take a deep breath, say and prayer, and take a step with joy!

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