Thank God for Rivals

Genesis 50:20
But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive. (NKJV)

I came across this scripture today during my bible study. I was reading from Lisa Bevere’s book, Without Rival. I completely recommend that book btw.

I really love this scripture, it was the first time I’ve ever read it.

Many times we (me) like to play the victim card or just get through it card whenever we face trials and people that make things hard.

In Lisa Bevere’s book she talks about, who better to make us stronger than someone or something that challenges us?

I have struggled a lot in my life with Rivals. I had a super bad habit where I would compare myself to everyone around me and find every place I thought I came up short and let that bind me so I no longer did the things I thought I was lacking in compared to them. That was not of God.

Since God showed me that I did that, I’ve worked hard with Him to undo the bondage that I put myself in. Yay God.

Today I had a perspective change.

There were legit rivals in my life, outside of the ones I created for myself. Instead of taking them as a challenge to be better, to grow, give God the situation and have Him teach me… I chose to not only not get better but honestly be worse. It was a little sad revelation but what I was more filled with was the excitement of the next rival in my life!

One thing I’ve learned in my life since God started the journey of healing and freeing me from depression and bad anxiety (around age 15 or 16) is I do love a good challenge. 

Thank God for perspective change! Thank God for rivals!

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